The National Gallery of Arts and Oral History Initiative invite students and young professionals in the arts and social sciences to participate in a two-day workshop on oral history methodology conducted by Erëmirë Krasniqi from Oral History Initiative based in Pristina, Kosovo.
About the workshop
Twenty years after the war in Kosovo, we return to this moment in time to collect stories of citizens of Albania who experienced the wave of refugees from Kosovo. Through this workshop, the students will gain interviewing skills that employ oral history methodologies. With the gained skills, they will be able to join the effort to collect stories of Tirana residents who have memories connected to the events of 1999 and the flow of refugees from Kosovo to Albania.
Where and how?
Ten students will be selected for this workshop. The workshop will be held during the first week of November 2019. The students will be involved in the story collection process in coordination with the National Gallery of Arts and Oral History Initiative. Collected stories will be archived in the digital archive and will be presented during the 2019 Public Program of the National Gallery of Arts.
At the end of the project, the participants will receive certificates from the three partnering institutions.
How to apply?
All interested should write us at the [email protected] and [email protected]. Please send us your short resume and a motivation letter by October 25, 2019.
The project is a collaboration between the National Gallery of Arts, Oral History Initiative and the Municipality of Prishtina.
Erëmirë Krasniqi is a junior scholar from Pristina who graduated from Bard College Berlin in Aesthetics, Philosophy, and Literature and earned a Masters degree in Comparative Literature from Dartmouth College. At Dartmouth, she worked as Teaching Assistant for several courses (Transnational Muslim Feminisms, Krieger’s Virtual Girlfriend: Japanese Anime and the Idea of Post-Human, Introduction to Film Studies and Film Noir), and Research Assistant for The Media Ecology Project, a digital resource which engaged new forms of scholarly production, supporting and advocating the essential work of media archives. Erëmirë is an Executive Director of the Oral History Initiative
Photo Credits: Donald Brekofca
Exhibition view, “Best Wishes for 1999”